Wednesday 23 March 2011

Power of decision.

85 Days to go. I didn’t really make much money yet, but I am getting more and more ideas.

How did I do it in the past?  I think one of my most remarkable experiences was when my mother passed away on the morning of Tuesday 13 August 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The minute my Dad called me and told me what has happened, I decided that I will take my Mother to Poland and have her funeral in Poland on Saturday 17th of August.  I had no money then as I was in the process of moving to Australia. I had just sent all my stuff on a container, left my job so I wasn’t working at the time and had no income. I was trying to sell my house and was waiting to get some money from the sale. My dad never had any money so I could not count on him. I called my aunt in Poland, told her what happened and told her to organize a funeral for my Mother for the  weekend.
She did not ask how I was going to do this, I figured in my voice that there was no doubt that I can do this. I had so many things I needed to get done. I also decided to take my father to Poland for the funeral as in my mind this was the right thing to do. I needed the post-mortem certificate and the waiting time to get this done was 3 weeks. There was also some sort of world summit happening in Johannesburg around that time and apparently there was no way we could fly out for the next few weeks as all the flights where booked out. My dad didn’t have a passport, my brothers and my dad had no good clothes to put on to go to a funeral we had for mum in Johannesburg.
We needed the Polish Consulates permission to take the remains out of South Africa and into Poland. In order to get that we needed some sort of certificate from Poland from the local Town Mayor or City Council and we needed the original copy which would take quite a few days to get.  All processes would take a minimum of 4 weeks. I believe someone living in UK took six months to get through all that red tape to get a loved one a burial in Poland.
I have no idea how exactly I managed to do this, but on Friday night me and my dad and my mothers ashes where sitting on the plane to Poland. I managed to get the letter from Polish Consulate and a passport for my dad. I managed to get the post mortem, managed to get tickets, managed to dress everyone. So much happened in a few days and everything was just falling into place. I was on a mission and nothing was going to stop me. 
How did I manage to achieve my goal?  It was the decision I made, it was the vision and the sense of knowing that this is what is going to happen. There were absolutely no doubts in my mind that this was impossible. There was nothing which could stop me. I made a decision and all I had on my mind was the final goal, my mother’s burial in Poland in only few days. When I made the decision I had absolutely no idea what I will need to do or how I will do it but everything way just falling into place, bit by bit. I was just there … in the moment following my instinct. Following what my consciousness told me to do. 
I miss my mother and I am very sad that she is gone at such a early age, she was 2 months short of her 50th  birthday.  I think she would be proud of what I did and how I managed to achieve what many would consider impossible.
If I could do this, I can do anything, a Million dollars is just a game. And I can do this too!

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