Thursday 10 March 2011

Million in 100 days ; day 3 - 97 days to go.

I think I am getting there. I think I made $1.24. Still trying to figure out how the AdSense ad money works. It's telling me I made $1.24. 

The Power of mind and how did it all start in my life?
There are events in everyones life we never forget. One of my real first experiences involving mind power, aside from my windsurfing equipment, was one of my cross country skiing races. I have been skiing since the age of three and in my teenage years I did a lot of racing and entered a lot of competitions. I loved racing and I also loved winning, which was not always the case, but I did win quite a few prizes and races over the years. One race I will never forget was when I was racing against my dad and another guy Rick in a 10 km race. The three of us left everyone behind in the first  few kilometres. Dad was first, then Rick and I was few hundred meters behind them trying to keep up. My dad and Rick, who we skied with for a long time had a ongoing competition between them, most of the time my dad would win but there was always much talk afterwards how come Rick  lost. On that day my dad was doing well but on the last few laps I saw him slowing down and crouching. I knew what happened, he had a stone on his kidney and on occasions he would get an attack of pain and would be out of action for a short while. When I realised what was going on I only had one thought in my mind. I have to defend our family honour. I have to win the race, I have to catch up and overtake Rick. My heart started pumping faster. I got extra power, I'm not sure where it came from, but it just did. I started chasing Rick. I didn't have much time to catch up to him. I think in only few seconds I had doubled my normal speed.  I was getting closer quite quickly. My dad was left behind. Rick was only a few ski lengths away. The finishing line was getting closer. I had maybe another five hundred meters. I was going much faster than him. I thought there is no way he will win the race. I overtook him. I was first. I then thought I had to go even faster because I knew he was a strong fighter and he will do all he can to win. But my "super powers" were much stronger. I crossed the finish line. I looked back and  Rick was still more then 50 meters from the line. How did i do this? I struggled to keep up with them and there I was in first place. Was it me or was it my mind? Did I do this just because I made my mind that I will do it. Now years later I know that my physical abilities only contributed to my success in a small way and my mind did the rest.
Since then a lot of similar stories have happened, some of which I would like to share over the next 97 days. But for now what I will do is make a calendar with a dead line and the finishing date the day on which I want my million dollars. 
I don't want the money just for myself. I want to show others that it anything is possible. I want to do it to show kids like the kid who shot my best friend that there is another way. I want to convince the "don't" haves that there is a way to get what you want in life. Here I would like to apologise to all of the people who i call " don't haves" . It is not your fault that you don't have. It is not your fault that you are struggling. It is the way of the world. It is the system which doesn't want people to know that it is possible to have all you want in life. If we all had everything who would want to work, make bread, sell goods in the shops, teach, be a bus driver or a delivery person. But there is another way and there are examples of those people all around. My favourite is Richard Branson, what an inspiration! Ophra, Bill Gates, Harrison Ford and so many othere which started from nothing and built an empire.
You can read about those people in many books. They all have one thing in common. They had a vision. They made plans. They wanted something out of life and then opportunities came to them. Things come to you when you are ready!
I am ready to prove to myself and to others that it is possible to get anything you want in life!
If there is something someone can do then so can I. Nothing is impossible, we are all built out of the same substance. We are all the same but most of us just don't know how to "create" whatever it is that we want.
When we are at school we are given tools to be good doctors, good engineers, trades people, just workers in the society.  Why doesn't anyone give us the tools to get what we want in life. The tools are there but only the selected few get them. There are a lot of books on this subject, but unless you search for it and are interested in 'Mind power" and what it can do for you, no one will tell you about it.
 I was very lucky. I had some one who showed me the meditation technique, and this is how this all started. And now it is time for me to show people what I have learned.

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