Monday 7 March 2011

Millon Dollars in 100 days - day one - start from nothing ( Day one)

Here I am 40 years old, with not much to my name, working 60 - 80 hour weeks.

I have read a lot of mind power and positive thinking books and articles, and I must say this has been working for me in most areas of my life. I have travelled the world, I have met a great life partner - my beautiful wife. But now I just find myself working long hours so that we can pay the mortgage and have a bit of fun - ie: go on holidays once a year. In the last few days I have been really tired with my current work and the long hours are just "killing me".
 Last night, just before I closed my eyes before bed time, I had an idea. If I can attract things I want into my life, including travel, car, and a great wife, I should be able to also attract an abundance of money and wealth so that I can enjoy the things I really love doing. I know from all the books and my previous experiences that unless I make a decision nothing will happen. And unless I know what it is that I want then I will not get it.
So I have decided that I would like to make a million dollars in one hundred days. Sounds impossible, well I am not sure it if is. But what do I have to lose. I can only try and give it my best shot. So here I am, day one of my hundred days.
I made a decision of making a million dollars.
Can I do it or wow can I do it, I have no idea, but since I can get in life anything I want, that's what I want.

1.000.000 dollars I have nothing to start with.  Where do I start?
I guess I need an account where the money will go, paypal sounds good. I will open an account today.
If I want to make million dollars in 100 days I should be making 10.000 a day...
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve my goal?
I am wondering if anyone did this before?

100 days to go,
Beginning of day one.

I made a decision
I started a blog
Created an account with Ad Sense
Signed up to ...Ad Sense. I think I will still need some sort of bank account, paypal - that's the only  internet banking system I know of.
What do I do next?
Lunch - my stomach is  beginning to hurt... didn't have much breakfast, I am so excited.

Back from lunch- have to do my normal work and THINK ABOUT A  MILLION DOLLARS.

What would I do with the money?

What would I do with a million dollars?
I would pay off my mortgage.
I would maybe take my wife on a holiday.
One of the things I would really like to do is to change someone life. Give some one a "light".
On 20 March 2002 my best friend was shot and killed for a mobile phone in South Africa...
He was killed by some kid who didn't know any better. Someone who didn't have a mobile phone.
In many countries around the world there are people who don't have.
Unfortunately this is not only in the third world countries. The "don't haves are all around us!
Is it their fault? Not sure. Who am I to say. I don't have much myself.
What I do have is hard work and a house owned by the bank which I will have to pay for for the next 25 years.... but at least I have this. A lot of people don't even have this.
I would like to show people that it is possible to be happy and get the things they like in life.
I would like to give hope to the kids who think that there is no way out.  I am sure that I am not the only one who thinks along the same lines, but I don't know how to spread the word.
I would like to set up a youth centre where kids from broken families would learn life skills - not just a trade, but respect for themselves, for another, learn how to be able to live 'normal' lives.

My first day to million dollars.
I am not sure if million dollars would let me do what I want to do but I am sure it would be a good start.

1 comment:

  1. Grand goal sensei. I remember a few years ago you said to me when you make the decision to do something, the opportunities that enable you to fulfil your goals will present themselves. I borrowed your theory and successfully made it to Honbu while I was a broke student. I'm right behind you - all the best in your quest!
    Osu Amelia
