Tuesday 8 March 2011

Million in 100 days: day two - 99 days to go and I made my first money online! 0.13 of a dollar

I made my first money online with AdSense $0.13.... well its a start.

From what I have already learned you should not ask how you will get what you want, but rather believe that you will get whatever it is you want. And i do believe that I can get what I want. It is a game, a challenge. And I know I can do it. It is scary, exciting, different, something I have never done before, but  I believe that I can do this.

When I was just fourteen one of our family friends introduced me and my dad to meditation and visualisation. It was a very simple technique but I think it was the beginning of my very interesting journey into the exploration of mind power, or what I call it now mind games you play with your own mind.
What we had to do was to relax in a lying position, close our eyes and concentrate on our breathing, take three deep breaths and count from one hundred to one. It sounds easy but it is not, especially when your mind keeps wandering off and thinking about all sorts of things. When we eventually managed to count to one we had to visualise a screen like a TV screen or a cinema screen and put whatever we wanted on that screen - the things that we wanted to get and see it for as long as possible. When we were happy with the picture and our minds started thinking of something different that was the indication that our meditation session was coming to an end, then we had to slowly count from one to ten, take three deep breaths, relax for a short period of time and we could open our eyes again   Over time and with experience the counting would be reduced, we would count from a hundred until such a number where our minds could relax and see the screen, and whatever we wanted on that screen without having our minds taking over and thinking of something totally different.We would count from hundred to ninety five before we could visualise the screen and over time the screen with whatever we wanted would become so clear in our minds that we could switch that screen on and off just like you switch the TV and change the channels.
  What did I want as a 14 year old? Thinking back I didn't really want all that much. I was living in Poland under the communist regime, my parents had they jobs and worked in a factory. My dad was a shift foreman and back then was earning quite a good salary - $25 a month. My mum was a weaver and from memory she was earning about $ 18 a month. I think with some bonuses and overtime my parents were earning around $ 50 a month.  I know is sounds very little but that's what it was. It wasn't  that bad, we had money to go skiing and every  school holidays I went to a sea scout camp for most of the two months holidays. I loved my sailing and skiing. When I look at the standard of living and what my family could afford back then I don't think  that $ 50 a month was bad. Sure we didn't have luxuries but we had food on the table, a roof over our heads and clothes to wear.
I got addicted to windsurfing and all I wanted  was my own windsurfing equipment. Not much some one would say but all that gear was manufactured outside of Poland, and just the mast, which is a small part of the equipment, would cost almost the whole year of my parents combined salaries if we didn't eat and pay bills for a year.
I knew it was not going to happen, but I still kept on visualising the windsurfing board  and mast and sail.

I then decided that the only way I could get what I wanted was to build the windsurfer board myself, and so I started. I managed to bribe some one on a building site to give me some polyester foam which wasn't available in any shops. I got some glue from a friend who had connections and I managed to get fibreglass matt and resin from friends and their connections. I had all my materials and I was building my windsurfing board in my room on a fourth floor of a apartment building using my mothers kitchen instruments. Amazingly, my parents didn't kick me out of home.

Before i managed to finish making my windsurfer my dad decided to leave Poland and move to Austria as he didn't see much of a  future for us in Poland.
I didn't mind so much because i knew that a lot of things were much cheaper in Austria.
After four months of living in Austria I bought my first windsurfing board with the all necessary equipment.

My first vision materialised! It took me a while because I didn't know that you can ask for what you want and the "date of delivery"

99 days to go. I still have to make  $ 999.999.73

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