Monday 28 March 2011

Cherish what makes you happy!

Cherish what makes you happy!
What is happiness?  What do you need to do to be happy and how do you keep happiness?
I am sure there is no one specific answer and everyone will have their own opinion on this subject.      In today’s world there is so much suffering around us, natural disasters, wars, poverty and hard financial times among other things, and for most people life is getting harder every year. In such challenging times it is very hard to find constant happiness.  So how is it possible to keep happy?
When we are teenagers we all have something we really enjoy doing, we all have our own problems and challenges but there is always something we really like doing. Whatever it is, it takes our mind off things, we forget about the rest of the world and we just are in the moment. For me it was and still is sport, but it could be other things as well.  
When we get older our priorities change, we now have to pay bills, provide for ourselves and look after our families. Lots of us get stuck in jobs we don’t really enjoy, but someone has to pay the bills and often we lose our zest for life. Our days become monotonous and boring, we forget about the things which used to make us happy.  We now have less time for ourselves because of the busy lifestyle most of us have.  
One of the ways to bring back and sustain happiness is to determine what it is that makes us happy and cherish it. From many years of involvement in different sports, and research of association between sport and general wellbeing, I can confidently say that doing some sort of sport in ones life will bring happiness and balance. Sport or physical exercise might not bring instant happiness but it will definitely take your mind off whatever it is that bothers you.  Most exercises will raise your heart rate and get more oxygen to your body, what this does is gives you a “clear mind” and better mindset to deal with everyday life.
At one of the openings of the Olympic games the president of the Olympic committee said;”Sport is friendship, sport is health, sport is everything”
Make a point to do more psychical exercise and I can assure you your life will be much happier one!
To achieve your goals you need happiness, sad people hardly achieve much.

Friday 25 March 2011

Life changing mind set.

As a teenager and a young adult I was not a very confident person.  I did my sports and was quite good at what I was doing but I was shy and not confident at all. My family moved from Poland to Austria when I was 17 years old. I couldn’t speak German and I didn’t make any new friends, I was shy and didn’t want to say anything wrong even after I learned a bit of German. At the age of 19 we had moved again this time to South Africa and the same thing happened, I couldn’t speak English. I didn’t know anybody, I was shy, and on top of this my family didn’t have much money. We couldn’t afford to live in a nice house and didn’t have any luxuries.  I wanted to continue with my sport and found a Karate school – Seido Karate, I just kept training. This was my escape from reality and I just loved my training.
 As far as I was concerned this was all there was to life. I started working and I was supporting myself but I felt like I was stuck in Johannesburg. I didn’t think that there was a way for me to travel anywhere or move to another country.
I have followed my interest in mind power, meditation and spiritual healing. I have attended many workshops and seminars but one of the short courses was only a one day course that totally changed my mindset and possibly the rest of my life. It was a fire walk. We did a full day of meditation and work on motivation and at the end of the day we walked on burning coals. The walk was eight meters long. Every one of us stood at the beginning of the walk, and then we just walked on red hot burning coals. I didn’t burn my feet and the rush I got from this experience was amazing. It totally changed my mind set. My new way of thinking was if I can do this I can do anything.
This was long before my mother passed away. A few months after the fire walk experience I travelled to Poland for the first time in nine years. Once again I was in a situation where I was changing jobs, didn’t have any money and to make things worse my landlord sold the apartment I was renting and I didn’t have anywhere to move to. Finding a safe and cheap place to rent in Johannesburg is a challenging task, and unless you know someone the chances of finding something good are slim. I had only one thing on my mind. I knew what my goal was and concentrated all my energy on my trip. Everything worked out in an amazing way and in only four weeks from me making the decision I was sitting on a plane. I had confirmed to myself that the way to achieve anything is to concentrate on your goal, concentrate on the final destination and everything in between just happens. 
Million dollars – 83 days to go.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Power of decision.

85 Days to go. I didn’t really make much money yet, but I am getting more and more ideas.

How did I do it in the past?  I think one of my most remarkable experiences was when my mother passed away on the morning of Tuesday 13 August 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The minute my Dad called me and told me what has happened, I decided that I will take my Mother to Poland and have her funeral in Poland on Saturday 17th of August.  I had no money then as I was in the process of moving to Australia. I had just sent all my stuff on a container, left my job so I wasn’t working at the time and had no income. I was trying to sell my house and was waiting to get some money from the sale. My dad never had any money so I could not count on him. I called my aunt in Poland, told her what happened and told her to organize a funeral for my Mother for the  weekend.
She did not ask how I was going to do this, I figured in my voice that there was no doubt that I can do this. I had so many things I needed to get done. I also decided to take my father to Poland for the funeral as in my mind this was the right thing to do. I needed the post-mortem certificate and the waiting time to get this done was 3 weeks. There was also some sort of world summit happening in Johannesburg around that time and apparently there was no way we could fly out for the next few weeks as all the flights where booked out. My dad didn’t have a passport, my brothers and my dad had no good clothes to put on to go to a funeral we had for mum in Johannesburg.
We needed the Polish Consulates permission to take the remains out of South Africa and into Poland. In order to get that we needed some sort of certificate from Poland from the local Town Mayor or City Council and we needed the original copy which would take quite a few days to get.  All processes would take a minimum of 4 weeks. I believe someone living in UK took six months to get through all that red tape to get a loved one a burial in Poland.
I have no idea how exactly I managed to do this, but on Friday night me and my dad and my mothers ashes where sitting on the plane to Poland. I managed to get the letter from Polish Consulate and a passport for my dad. I managed to get the post mortem, managed to get tickets, managed to dress everyone. So much happened in a few days and everything was just falling into place. I was on a mission and nothing was going to stop me. 
How did I manage to achieve my goal?  It was the decision I made, it was the vision and the sense of knowing that this is what is going to happen. There were absolutely no doubts in my mind that this was impossible. There was nothing which could stop me. I made a decision and all I had on my mind was the final goal, my mother’s burial in Poland in only few days. When I made the decision I had absolutely no idea what I will need to do or how I will do it but everything way just falling into place, bit by bit. I was just there … in the moment following my instinct. Following what my consciousness told me to do. 
I miss my mother and I am very sad that she is gone at such a early age, she was 2 months short of her 50th  birthday.  I think she would be proud of what I did and how I managed to achieve what many would consider impossible.
If I could do this, I can do anything, a Million dollars is just a game. And I can do this too!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

93 days to go - what is wrong with the world?

The last few days have been very hard for most of the world watching the devastation in Japan hit by the earthquake and then the tsunami. Thousands of people have died and even more are left homeless. I find this so sad to see all the people losing their lives and I feel even more sorry for all the survivors who lost their loved ones, lost their homes and their life long savings. Homes they have had for generations, memories they have collected for centuries. I think its like taking someone soul away.
What makes me really angry is the fact that there are still people who will go and loot the devastated area, people who will take advantage of children who just lost their families. Just like what happened in Haiti, people traffickers taking children to slavery and prostitution. What is happening in this world. Whys are the laws protecting the bad guys? Why as a society are we permitting crime against other people? Why is it that a criminal after killing someone, or molesting a child, or raping a woman has got better treatment in jail than the victim left without much help? What is wrong with our world?
Why do we let this happen? Why are there so many drugs available to young people across the world? Who is making money out of this? Why are our governments and politicians letting all this happen. How come we as human kind are not protesting? Why do we think that it is OK when someone abuses a child? Is it because it is not our child? All the children are our children! What kind of future are we going to create for the next generations if we have millions of mentally unstable children who have been abused and exploited. Isn't this like a chain reaction. How can we be happy if the people around us are suffering in their adulthood and doing the same as to what was has been done to them?  Why are 90% of TV shows on crime and violence?  What are we trying to teach the new generation? Is this the 21st century or are we as a race going backwards? Why do politicians talk about moving forward but nothing much is done to stop crimes, violence and drug trafficking?

I do not know what the answers to those questions are, but I know that unless we do something drastic to change the way things are in this world then our children and their children will not have a good planet to live on.

Friday 11 March 2011

Day four - 96 days to go

Day four of my hundred days and I had a very busy day in my normal everyday work.
In the past I have made decisions to achieve certain goals. I have set myself a time as to when I want to achieve them. I have always made my own calendar which I would hang on the wall and look at every morning and every night. I have now also created a calendar for the next 100 days. It is a work in progress and it might still change. What changes is what happens between day 100 and day one but the dead line stays. The day by which I would like to achieve  my goals is solid and will not change. This is my calendar;
My Million Dollar in 100 days challenge calendar hallang

Thursday 10 March 2011

Million in 100 days ; day 3 - 97 days to go.

I think I am getting there. I think I made $1.24. Still trying to figure out how the AdSense ad money works. It's telling me I made $1.24. 

The Power of mind and how did it all start in my life?
There are events in everyones life we never forget. One of my real first experiences involving mind power, aside from my windsurfing equipment, was one of my cross country skiing races. I have been skiing since the age of three and in my teenage years I did a lot of racing and entered a lot of competitions. I loved racing and I also loved winning, which was not always the case, but I did win quite a few prizes and races over the years. One race I will never forget was when I was racing against my dad and another guy Rick in a 10 km race. The three of us left everyone behind in the first  few kilometres. Dad was first, then Rick and I was few hundred meters behind them trying to keep up. My dad and Rick, who we skied with for a long time had a ongoing competition between them, most of the time my dad would win but there was always much talk afterwards how come Rick  lost. On that day my dad was doing well but on the last few laps I saw him slowing down and crouching. I knew what happened, he had a stone on his kidney and on occasions he would get an attack of pain and would be out of action for a short while. When I realised what was going on I only had one thought in my mind. I have to defend our family honour. I have to win the race, I have to catch up and overtake Rick. My heart started pumping faster. I got extra power, I'm not sure where it came from, but it just did. I started chasing Rick. I didn't have much time to catch up to him. I think in only few seconds I had doubled my normal speed.  I was getting closer quite quickly. My dad was left behind. Rick was only a few ski lengths away. The finishing line was getting closer. I had maybe another five hundred meters. I was going much faster than him. I thought there is no way he will win the race. I overtook him. I was first. I then thought I had to go even faster because I knew he was a strong fighter and he will do all he can to win. But my "super powers" were much stronger. I crossed the finish line. I looked back and  Rick was still more then 50 meters from the line. How did i do this? I struggled to keep up with them and there I was in first place. Was it me or was it my mind? Did I do this just because I made my mind that I will do it. Now years later I know that my physical abilities only contributed to my success in a small way and my mind did the rest.
Since then a lot of similar stories have happened, some of which I would like to share over the next 97 days. But for now what I will do is make a calendar with a dead line and the finishing date the day on which I want my million dollars. 
I don't want the money just for myself. I want to show others that it anything is possible. I want to do it to show kids like the kid who shot my best friend that there is another way. I want to convince the "don't" haves that there is a way to get what you want in life. Here I would like to apologise to all of the people who i call " don't haves" . It is not your fault that you don't have. It is not your fault that you are struggling. It is the way of the world. It is the system which doesn't want people to know that it is possible to have all you want in life. If we all had everything who would want to work, make bread, sell goods in the shops, teach, be a bus driver or a delivery person. But there is another way and there are examples of those people all around. My favourite is Richard Branson, what an inspiration! Ophra, Bill Gates, Harrison Ford and so many othere which started from nothing and built an empire.
You can read about those people in many books. They all have one thing in common. They had a vision. They made plans. They wanted something out of life and then opportunities came to them. Things come to you when you are ready!
I am ready to prove to myself and to others that it is possible to get anything you want in life!
If there is something someone can do then so can I. Nothing is impossible, we are all built out of the same substance. We are all the same but most of us just don't know how to "create" whatever it is that we want.
When we are at school we are given tools to be good doctors, good engineers, trades people, just workers in the society.  Why doesn't anyone give us the tools to get what we want in life. The tools are there but only the selected few get them. There are a lot of books on this subject, but unless you search for it and are interested in 'Mind power" and what it can do for you, no one will tell you about it.
 I was very lucky. I had some one who showed me the meditation technique, and this is how this all started. And now it is time for me to show people what I have learned.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Million in 100 days: day two - 99 days to go and I made my first money online! 0.13 of a dollar

I made my first money online with AdSense $0.13.... well its a start.

From what I have already learned you should not ask how you will get what you want, but rather believe that you will get whatever it is you want. And i do believe that I can get what I want. It is a game, a challenge. And I know I can do it. It is scary, exciting, different, something I have never done before, but  I believe that I can do this.

When I was just fourteen one of our family friends introduced me and my dad to meditation and visualisation. It was a very simple technique but I think it was the beginning of my very interesting journey into the exploration of mind power, or what I call it now mind games you play with your own mind.
What we had to do was to relax in a lying position, close our eyes and concentrate on our breathing, take three deep breaths and count from one hundred to one. It sounds easy but it is not, especially when your mind keeps wandering off and thinking about all sorts of things. When we eventually managed to count to one we had to visualise a screen like a TV screen or a cinema screen and put whatever we wanted on that screen - the things that we wanted to get and see it for as long as possible. When we were happy with the picture and our minds started thinking of something different that was the indication that our meditation session was coming to an end, then we had to slowly count from one to ten, take three deep breaths, relax for a short period of time and we could open our eyes again   Over time and with experience the counting would be reduced, we would count from a hundred until such a number where our minds could relax and see the screen, and whatever we wanted on that screen without having our minds taking over and thinking of something totally different.We would count from hundred to ninety five before we could visualise the screen and over time the screen with whatever we wanted would become so clear in our minds that we could switch that screen on and off just like you switch the TV and change the channels.
  What did I want as a 14 year old? Thinking back I didn't really want all that much. I was living in Poland under the communist regime, my parents had they jobs and worked in a factory. My dad was a shift foreman and back then was earning quite a good salary - $25 a month. My mum was a weaver and from memory she was earning about $ 18 a month. I think with some bonuses and overtime my parents were earning around $ 50 a month.  I know is sounds very little but that's what it was. It wasn't  that bad, we had money to go skiing and every  school holidays I went to a sea scout camp for most of the two months holidays. I loved my sailing and skiing. When I look at the standard of living and what my family could afford back then I don't think  that $ 50 a month was bad. Sure we didn't have luxuries but we had food on the table, a roof over our heads and clothes to wear.
I got addicted to windsurfing and all I wanted  was my own windsurfing equipment. Not much some one would say but all that gear was manufactured outside of Poland, and just the mast, which is a small part of the equipment, would cost almost the whole year of my parents combined salaries if we didn't eat and pay bills for a year.
I knew it was not going to happen, but I still kept on visualising the windsurfing board  and mast and sail.

I then decided that the only way I could get what I wanted was to build the windsurfer board myself, and so I started. I managed to bribe some one on a building site to give me some polyester foam which wasn't available in any shops. I got some glue from a friend who had connections and I managed to get fibreglass matt and resin from friends and their connections. I had all my materials and I was building my windsurfing board in my room on a fourth floor of a apartment building using my mothers kitchen instruments. Amazingly, my parents didn't kick me out of home.

Before i managed to finish making my windsurfer my dad decided to leave Poland and move to Austria as he didn't see much of a  future for us in Poland.
I didn't mind so much because i knew that a lot of things were much cheaper in Austria.
After four months of living in Austria I bought my first windsurfing board with the all necessary equipment.

My first vision materialised! It took me a while because I didn't know that you can ask for what you want and the "date of delivery"

99 days to go. I still have to make  $ 999.999.73